Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Gift of the Great Escape

I recently discovered how much I love to write. I really wish I could quit my day job and write all day everyday. But I have to be responsible after all I am a mother. Thank God they are teenagers and on auto-pilot. I adore my kids but I am very thankful for having time to do something that I enjoy.

My husband is like most men and loves to watch all sports. So I sit with him in our living room with my favorite tunes and type away.
I am not looking to get rich...(yea right!). I would enjoy creating something of my very own and have others like it. That's why I am here. I want to create self published e-books that will allow others to mentally escape their day jobs and relax a while. The gift of the great escape.

Great article on why you shouldn't quit your day job.